Flagship Activities

Flagship Activities

Tadika Excel Kids stands out in its commitment to providing a rich and engaging learning environment for children throughout the entire year. Our meticulously planned activities, aligned with the Monthly Theme from January to December, are crafted with the intention of offering meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences. 

              The enthusiasm and joy that radiate from the children at Tadika Excel Kids during these activities are a testament to the success of our approach. We recognize the importance of not only imparting knowledge but also fostering a love for learning. By integrating fun and interactive elements into our curriculum, we create an environment where children eagerly participate and absorb knowledge effortlessly. 

4 - 6 years


Jan - Dec


Awesome Activities Across The Year

With the help of teachers and the environment as the third teacher, students have opportunities to confidently take risks.

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With the help of teachers and the environment as the third teacher, students have opportunities to confidently take risks.

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